Individuals in the UK are believed to be involved in prostitution.
Girls identified in locations, such as parks, schools, leisure facilities, shopping malls, and also on the internet.
Boys of their age or older sent to befriend them.
Then introduced to their contacts – young men – that they call members of their family.
They will offer to take the girl out in their car, buy them drinks, drugs, give them a mobile phone as a gift – but this is so they can then track her and send messages.
They flatter the girls, make them think they are loved or they are their boyfriend – until it’s too late to get away.
Another tactic is to get them to despise or mistrust their parents in order to control them.
The younger the girls look the more saleable they are.
Groomed and brainwashed girls are taken to wasteland and “broken in” raped by gang leader, whilst other members watch and record on mobile phones.
Things to watch out for: