Women’s Blog
We are highly privileged to hear the real stories of women survivors.
We have gained permission to share women’s stories and have changed their identities.
Their courage to step forward and speak out is inspiring.
Breaking up with prostitution
At some point in our lives most of us have been involved in an activity, relationship or situation that was not good for us. For some that thing may have passed and we moved on and got on with our lives but for some that thing may have been toxic. If you have ever...
Prostitution & Identity
When I was 5 years old I liked butterflies. I remember running around my back garden wearing a polka dot dress on a beautiful sunny day chasing a butterfly, admiring the beauty and grace of its delicate wings as it danced around. I remember the light that peeped...
Miss A– Exiting Prostitution
Katherine’s Voice
Prostitution is a major public health concern. It has many faces, but the ill mental health of those involved, primarily related to high levels of violence and trauma experienced on a daily basis, is at its core. The women that StreetlightUK has interaction with, have a multitude of support needs and often suffer with depression, post traumatic stress disorder and can often feel suicidal.
“Meet” Katherine, who is a 34 year old woman living in Crawley West Sussex. Katherine was at home with her 20 month old son and suicidal, she could not think of anything else but how she could die. Katherine attended a local community event and decided to make a wish and put it on the wishing tree. That wish was: ‘I want to die’. Fortunately, StreetlightUK was at this particular event campaigning on the elimination of violence against women and girls within the town. A local council official saw Katherine put this particular wish on the tree and approached her. Katherine burst into tears and, with the Council representative, approached StreetlightUK to see if we could help her. Katherine told StreetlightUK that she wanted help; she disclosed that she had been in the sex trade for the past 10 years, as it was the only way she could provide for her children. Katherine disclosed that she has mental health issues and that she is receiving support from other agencies but didn’t feel that she could talk to them about the prostitution she is involved in, as she felt they would not understand.
With the support given by StreetlightUK volunteers, Katherine didn’t feel so much despair and appreciated speaking to an agency that understood the nature of what she was involved in. This particular case study highlights the need for support services such as StreetlightUK within the local community.
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